What is CranioSacral Therapy “CST”?
The technique was developed by Osteopathic Physician, Dr. John E. Upledger of the Upledger Institute in Florida.
How is the treatment done?
Treatment is given in a safe professional environment. Sessions are usually an hour in length. You will be asked to lie on a treatment table fully clothed. I will monitor your CranioSacral rhythm and then proceed with a light, hands-on treatment of adjustments to your body.
Why does CranioSacral Therapy work?
Understanding your unique rhythm allows the experienced practitioner to monitor its flow and make an assessment for your treatment. Specific therapeutic techniques are then incorporated to assist the hydraulic forces present within the CranioSacral system. By aiding in the balance of your body’s circulatory system, its organs and relaxing the mind, CST naturally improves your own capacity to heal.
Conditions treated:
Linda is one of a handful of southern Arizona’s accredited and certified Lymphedema and Complex Decongestive therapists. She incorporates CranioSacral Therapy into her treatments.