“The Lymphatic System has been the neglected waste disposal system of human health,” says Dr. Mehmet Oz. As with nutrition, it is covered only briefly in medical schools. However, with the growing knowledge and value of our Lymphatic System we are becoming aware of its importance for optimal health. Evidence suggests an alkaline diet facilitates healthy lymphatic flow and an improved immune system.
Tucson Lymphatic Therapy is a private wellness practice for people suffering from lymphatic system disorders, Lymphedema and the variety of related symptoms associated with Lymphedema. Our sessions involve using Lymph Drainage Therapy as well as CranioSacral Therapy techniques to stimulate the lymphatic flow to help you restore your energy, health and quality of life.
Do you suffer from:
If so, you may benefit from CranioSacral therapy and Lymphatic drainage treatments.
The body is truly an amazing machine. Trauma and fatigue influence the whole body as emotions and moods alter energy and affect your body’s state of wellness.
Lymphatic drainage can improve your total state of well being.
Lymphedema affects more than 140 million people worldwide. Tucson Lymphatic Therapy is knowledgeable and successful in treating lymphatic disorders. The lymph system is a powerful system and when it is overloaded all body functions suffer. Lymph fluid, carried by the lymphatic system, protects the body from inflammation, disease and illness. If you are experiencing lymphatic issues, we can help.
At Tucson Lymphatic Therapy a “hands-on” approach is used in your therapy. You’ll receive the personal attention you require to address your lymphatic issues and associated illnesses.
CranioSacral Therapy is a gentle therapeutic technique that works with the body’s own specific rhythm. CranioSacral works with the bodies own specific rhythm to promote self healing. CranioSacral Therapy is relaxing and nurtures the rhythm of the cerebrospinal fluid as it flows around the brain and through the spinal cord, up and down the spine, from head (cranium), to the base of the spine (sacrum).
Linda is one of a handful of southern Arizona’s accredited and certified Lymphedema and Complex Decongestive therapists. She incorporates CranioSacral Therapy into her treatments.